Servicing Your Gas Logs for the Cold Season

Gas fireplaces offer a convenient way to enjoy the warmth and comfort of a fire, without the extensive cleaning and maintenance required with wood-burning fireplaces. They turn on with a switch and do not leave behind an abundance of ashes or other debris.

Yet, this leaves no excuse to forego the yearly cleaning and inspection required with any type of fireplace. It is still very important to call in a professional to make sure everything is running properly, especially with the cold months quickly approaching. As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your fireplace is in top shape before the burning season, along with the logs that you use. While logs in gas fireplaces produce a lot less mess, a yearly check-up on them is just as important.

Types of Logs

When it comes to your gas fireplace, there are two types of logs you can use.

  • Vented: Vented fireplace logs are more commonly used, as they have been around for a longer period of time. As far as heat, they produce a similar amount of heat that a regular wood log would produce. They also have a yellow flame which makes them similar in appearance to traditional logs and makes your fireplace feel a bit more authentic. They produce smoke, making a chimney necessary if they are being used.
  • Ventless: Ventless logs are said to be more efficient than vented logs, as they produce more heat and do not require that you own a chimney. Since they do not require a ventilation system, the heat is directed only for the purposes of warming your home and nothing escapes outdoors, making them hotter and making the flame blue, rather than yellow. This makes their appearance less realistic, leaving behind that authentic fireplace look. Ventless logs are ideal for some, but there is talk that they may affect the air quality inside of your home, so be cautious.

Both options work for heating, it just depends on your personal preferences as a homeowner. Also, both are very easy to use and turn on with the flip of a switch. They also both require an annual inspection done by a professional. Regular check-ups ensure that everything is running smoothly and safely for you and your family to enjoy. Having professional insight is important as safety regulations change regularly. A professional will be able to offer the best possible knowledge as to how you can keep your fireplace running great for a long time and they know which procedures and cleaning methods work best for your unit.

SirVent Chimney and Venting Service want you to safely enjoy your fireplace throughout the cold months ahead. Don’t wait until it is too late. Call us today to schedule an appointment and have one of our certified professionals offer the best insight and service possible.

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