Are You Using the Right Wood for Your Fireplace?

From time to time, we hear from homeowners who are concerned about draft issues or losing heat. They assume it’s due to a malfunction with their fireplace, but most of the time, these issues are caused by something else much easier to fix – unseasoned firewood. Using the appropriate fuel for your system is vital for burning more efficient and hotter fires. In this case, you need to invest in seasoned wood.

Unseasoned wood is not good to use in your fireplace, as it has lots of moisture that your fire has to burn through. This takes up a lot of energy, and it results in a lot of acidic water going into your chimney, which leads to build-up and clogs quicker. It also leads to a smokier fire, and you won’t get as much heat, either. All around, seasoned wood is a much better option to use in your fireplace.

Identifying Seasoned Wood

So, what should you look for when purchasing wood for your fireplace? Here are some surefire signs that the wood you’re picking is well-seasoned. First of all, keep an eye out for pieces that are darker in color, shorter in length, and split at the ends. These are all good signs that the wood has been drying out for a long time and has been stored appropriately.

Looking for another test? Trying hitting two pieces together, then listen carefully. If they sound hollow, then this is another indicator that they are good firewood. The pieces should also feel lighter in weight since there is less water inside of them. Overall, the wood you use shouldn’t look or smell freshly cut, as these pieces likely haven’t been dried out for the recommended six-month period.

Storing Your Own Fuel?

Now, if you want to know for sure that the wood you’re burning is going to burn well, then we recommend storing your own wood. Here’s the best way to get the results you’re looking for!

First of all, store the woodpile off the ground, so that the logs at the bottom of the pile aren’t left to rot. The shed you store it in should be well-protected, yet open enough that the logs can dry out effectively. A building with open sides and a strong roof is ideal! You’ll want to keep the ends as exposed as possible, so that water can effectively escape.

Finally, wood should be stored for at least six months before use. This ensures the moisture levels have enough time to escape significantly, so you’re not left struggling to build long-lasting and enjoyable fires this winter.

Need Some Help With Your Chimney? Call on Us

Having some great fuel stored up is a key part in guaranteeing a safer and cozier burning season, but you’ll need to ensure your chimney is in a good shape, too. At, Sirvent Chimney and Venting Service, we can help! Call us in to get your inspection and sweeping out of the way, so you know you’re good to go when the temperatures start to drop.

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